by: Janvier Kajenjeri, a Burundian refugee in Belgium
My name is Janvier Kajenjeri. I am from Burundi. I came to Belgium in 2014 as a medical student. When I left my country, I left my wife and my 2 children who were 3 years and 5 months old at that time.
In April 2015, the war started in Burundi, my family fled to Uganda. At the end of my studies, I applied for asylum in Belgium, after a year, I received a positive decision which recognized me as a refugee.
When I received that status,I started the family reunification process. Caritas helped me during the process until I received a visa agreement for my family. The flight tickets were too expensive for me. It was around € 2400 for 3 tickets. Caritas told me about the Miles4Migrants project,with their help,tickets were finally paid for and they came, they reached me in Belgium on November 21st 2017. My children are now 3 years old and 6 years old.
I want to thank, firstly, Caritas for helping me during the all process of family reunification which took like a year. Secondary I thank M4M for all the work they have done and the help they provide to other families. I hope one day to contribute to the Miles4Migrants project, it Will be also in grant to remember those Newlyweds of california (NOTE: this is a reference to the donors that provided the miles to fly Janvier’s family), may GOD bless all of you.
My final thanks goes to all donors of Miles for their great generosity and which allowed a family to be reunified.