Miles4Migrants has stepped up to assist the U.S. government in relocation efforts for Afghan evacuees

Two months ago, social media and the news were ablaze with scenes of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. We watched in disbelief as we saw videos of Afghans clinging to U.S. military planes leaving them behind. We rallied behind military evacuation flights, which were able to transport more than 100,000 people out of Afghanistan. However, many forgot to ask, “What happens next?”

Right now, many Afghans have escaped the danger and uncertainty of Taliban rule; however, they still remain short of starting their new beginnings. Rather, unable to afford transportation to their final destinations, tens of thousands of Afghans are temporarily housed on military bases across the U.S., awaiting reunions with their family members and transportation to safe homes.

Miles4Migrants has stepped up to assist the U.S. government in relocation efforts, booking flights for Afghans to get out of limbo and go onward to their new homes across the country. Thanks to the incredible influx in donations we received in August and September, we have been able to very quickly scale our flight booking capacity from flying hundreds of people per month to hundreds per day. 

Already, Miles4Migrants has assisted more than 3,000 Afghan evacuees in reaching their final destinations, using 30 million+ miles and $200,000+ (numbers that are climbing by the day). From 8 military bases, Afghan evacuees have been booked on flights to arrival cities all across the country, where they are now beginning to build their new lives. 

This is only the start. Miles4Migrants believes that every Afghan evacuee should have access to a free ticket to their safe new home. To make this possible, it takes all of us taking action and chipping in. 

At our current pace, we will very likely run out of usable miles to continue assisting Afghan evacuees, in addition to our ongoing work supporting refugees, asylees, and asylum-seekers from all over the world.

This is why we need your help in spreading the word and donating today: With trillions of unused miles sitting in frequent flyer accounts, even just a fraction donated to sponsor flights could help refugees and asylum-seekers – including Afghan evacuees – start their new beginnings in safe homes.


How Miles4Migrants helps

We collaborate with a network of global non-governmental organization (NGO) partners who work directly with refugees and migrants to identify and verify individuals who are financially unable to afford air travel. Once our partners submit flight requests, we use donated frequent flyer miles, credit card points, travel vouchers, and cash to eliminate transportation barriers for the most vulnerable individuals affected by war, persecution, or climate disaster. Our goal is to help these individuals reunite with their loved ones and start a new life in a safe environment.

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Support our work

There are many ways for you to get involved and help us continue our work:

You can donate cash to help us cover operational expenses or contribute your unused air miles, credit card points, or travel vouchers to help us book flights for refugees and asylum seekers. Additionally, you can help us spread the word about our cause and our impact on the lives of those we serve.

Every donation, no matter how big or small, has the power to make a difference. Thank you for considering supporting our mission.

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